Active And Passive Voice Worksheet For Classes 7 And 8

Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.

1. She cooked dinner. / Dinner ………………… by her.

2. I read an interesting book. / An interesting book ……………………. by me.

3. She showed me her room. / I ……………………… her room.

4. The child ate the candy. / The candy …………………… by the child.

5. The police arrested him. / He …………………….. by the police.

6. She sells flowers. / Flowers …………………….. by her.

7. She earns a six figure salary. / A six figure salary …………………….. by her.

8. They taught him to drive. / He …………………….. to drive.

9. She is drawing a picture. / A picture ……………………… by her.

10. You have insulted him. / He ………………………. by you.


1. Dinner was cooked by her.

2. An interesting book was read by me.

3. I was shown her room (by her).

4. The candy was eaten by the child.

5. He was arrested by the police.

6. Flowers are sold by her.

7. A six figure salary is earned by her.

8. He was taught to drive (by them).

9. A picture is being drawn by her.

10. He has been insulted by you.

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