Change Statement To Questions | Class 5 Grammar Worksheets

Change statement into questions.

We make questions by putting the auxiliary verb before the subject.

He is an architect. (Statement)

Is he an architect? (Question)

When the given statement is in the simple present tense or simple past tense, there is no auxiliary verb in it.

In this case, we use do, does and did to make questions.

Use do and does in the simple present tense. Use do with plural subjects and does with singular subjects.

Use did with both singular and plural subjects in the simple past tense.

Change the statements given below into questions.

1. They arrived in the morning.

2. He is looking for a better job.

3. She died in the morning.

4. Sam called yesterday.

5. Mira won the first prize in the essay writing competition.

6. Rohan went to the store with his brother.

7. Janet resigned last week.

8. She called him a liar.

9. He searched the entire neighbourhood for his cat.

10. He runs a pet store in the town.

11. Raju writes with his left hand.

12. Suman works really hard.


1. Did they arrive in the morning? (NOT Did they arrived….?)

2. Is he looking for a better job?

3. Did she die in the morning? (NOT Did she died……?)

4. Did Sam call yesterday?

5. Did Mira win the first prize in the essay writing competition?

6. Did Rohan go to the store with his brother?

7. Did Janet resign last week?

8. Did she call him a liar?

9. Did he search the entire neighbourhood for his cat?

10. Does he run a pet store in the town?

11. Does Raju write with his left hand? (NOT Does Raju writes with…?)

12. Does Suman work really hard?

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