Gerund vs. Present Participle | Class 7 English Grammar Worksheets

When ing forms are used as verbs, adjectives or adverbs, they are usually called present participles. When they are used like nouns, they are called gerunds.

Gerunds can be the subject, object or complement of a verb.

Study the examples given below.

  • Swimming is good for health. (Here the gerund swimming is the subject of the verb is.)
  • I enjoy dancing. (Here the gerund dancing is the object of the verb enjoy)

Some verbs are usually followed by ing forms. Examples are: suggest, enjoy, finish, give up, admit, avoid, consider, deny, dislike, forgive, mind etc.

An ing form used after a preposition is always a gerund.

  • I am thinking of writing a novel.
  • You cannot eat without opening your mouth.

When ing forms are used like verbs, adjectives or adverbs, they are present participles.

  • I am waiting for them. (Here the ing form waiting helps form the present continuous verb am waiting.)
  • I love the noise of falling rain. (Here the ing form falling modifies the noun rain.)
  • She ran crying into the room. (Here the ing form is used like an adverb.)
  • He is very boring. (Here the ing form is used like an adjective.)

Underline and identify the gerunds and participles in the following sentences.


When the ing form is used to form the continuous tense forms or when it is used to modify a noun, it is a present participle.

When the ing form is used as the subject or object of a verb or preposition, it is a gerund.

1. Singing is my hobby.
2. I am watching a movie.
3. Smoking is injurious to health.
4. She enjoys swimming in the sea.
5. Trespassing is prohibited.
6. He is waiting for the bus.
7. It was an interesting movie.
8. Your writing skills will improve if you keep writing.
9. The shocking news stunned us all.
10. The leaning tower of Pisa is an architectural marvel.
12. The boring lecture made everyone feel sleepy.


1. Singing is my hobby. (singing – gerund; it is the subject of is)
2. I am watching a movie. (watching – present participle; it forms the continuous tense form am watching)
3. Smoking is injurious to health. (smoking – gerund; it is the subject of is)
4. She enjoys swimming in the sea. (swimming – gerund; it is the object of the verb enjoys)
5. Trespassing is prohibited. (trespassing – gerund; it is the subject of is)
6. He is waiting for the bus. (waiting – present participle; it forms the continuous tense form – is waiting)
7. It was an interesting movie. (interesting – present participle; it modifies the noun movie)
8. Your writing skills will improve if you keep writing. (writing – present participle; it modifies the noun skills; second writing – gerund; it is the object of the verb keep)
9. The shocking news stunned us all. (shocking – present participle; it modifies the noun news)
10. The leaning tower of Pisa is an architectural marvel. (leaning – present participle; it modifies the noun tower)
12. The boring lecture made everyone feel sleepy. (boring – present participle; it modifies the noun lecture)

Gerund or present participle worksheet

Say whether the ing form used in the following sentences is a gerund or present participle.

1. It is getting late.

2. She was crying when I saw her.

3. Trespassing is prohibited.

4. She enjoys climbing hills.

5. Who is that pretty girl sitting near your mother?

6. It was a boring lecture.

7. She walked out singing.

8. Working hard, he succeeded.

9. Running non-stop, I managed to catch up with them.

10. It being a holiday, I didn’t get up until afternoon.

11. God willing, we shall meet again.

12. I saw her talking to the milkman.

13. That movie is worth watching.

14. We have a good chance of winning.

15. They are tired of waiting for us.

16. Nobody can stop him from doing what he wants.

17. I am going to file a complaint against them.

18. He sat there sipping the coffee.

19. I need something for getting this stain off.

20. She is looking forward to becoming a grandmother.


1. It is getting (present participle) late.

2. She was crying (present participle) when I saw her.

3. Trespassing (gerund – subject of the verb is) is prohibited.

4. She enjoys climbing (gerund – object of the verb enjoys) hills.

5. Who is that pretty girl sitting (present participle) near your mother?

6. It was a boring lecture (present participle – acts like an adjective).

7. She walked out singing (present participle – it acts like an adverb).

8. Working (present participle) hard, he succeeded.

9. Running (present participle) non-stop, I managed to catch up with them.

10. It being (present participle) a holiday, I didn’t get up until afternoon.

11. God willing (present participle), we shall meet again.

12. I saw her talking to the milkman (gerund – complement).

13. That movie is worth watching (gerund – subject complement).

14. We have a good chance of winning (gerund).

15. They are tired of waiting (gerund – object of the preposition waiting) for us.

16. Nobody can stop him from doing (gerund – object of the preposition from) what he wants.

17. I am going (present participle – helps to form the continuous tense form) to file a complaint against them.

18. He sat there sipping (present participle – modifies the verb sat) the coffee.

19. I need something for getting (gerund – object of the preposition for) this stain off.

20. She is looking (present participle) forward to becoming (gerund – object of the preposition to) a grandmother.

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