Grammar Exercises for Class 10 CBSE

You need a good understanding of grammar rules to be able to score good marks in your class 10 English exam.

Tenses exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

1. I told him that I ……………………….

a) have resigned

b) had resigned

c) resigned

d) am resigning

2. Despite having a headache, I ………………………. the party.

a) enjoy

b) enjoyed

c) was enjoying

d) have enjoyed

3. There has been an accident near the bank. At least two people …………………….. dead.

a) fear

b) are fearing

c) are feared

d) have feared

4. The deceased singer ………………………. by his wife and children.

a) is surviving

b) is survived

c) has survived

d) had survived

5. See that the patient …………………………. complete rest.

a) get

b) gets

c) is getting

d) will be getting


1. had resigned; 2. enjoyed; 3. are feared; 4. is survived; 5. gets

Determiners exercise

1. A CEO has to cope with …………………….. business problems every day.

a) every

b) many

c) few

d) much

2. The hostess gave …………………….. guest a cordial welcome.

a) all

b) each

c) some

d) any

3. A true cosmopolitan is as ……………………….. at home in Tokyo as in London.

a) much

b) many

c) any

d) most

4. In the course of the discussion ……………………… views were heard.

a) any

b) many

c) every

d) each

5. His motto is work hard and save ……………………. penny.

a) all

b) every

c) some

d) each

6. He is remembered for his …………………….. good deeds.

a) any

b) some

c) much

d) many

7. Only …………………… of the invitees turned up.

a) few

b) a few

c) many

d) fewer

8. I don’t get ………………….. sleep these days.

a) many

b) much

c) little

d) some

9. …………………….. vet worth his salt will not euthanize a healthy dog or cat.

a) Any

b) Some

c) Many

d) Every

10. I still remember those days with ……………………. fondness.

a) many

b) much

c) every

d) all


1. many; 2. each;3. much; 4. many; 5. every; 6. many; 7. a few; 8. much; 9. any; 10. much

Modals exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate modal auxiliary verb.

1. Corrupt politicians …………………… be thrown out of office.

a) should

b) must

c) can

d) may

2. Criminal parents …………………….. corrupt any child.

a) can

b) should

c) would

d) may

3. Only a coward ……………………. run from danger.

a) should

b) could

c) would

d) might

4. The king issued a decree that all prisoners ………………………….. be granted amnesty.

a) will

b) would

c) could

d) may

5. ………………… I return this toaster if it is defective?

a) Can

b) May

c) Will

d) Should

6. Fear of failure …………………….. be a stimulant to work hard.

a) can

b) may

c) might

d) must

7. Who …………………… it be?

a) may

b) might

c) will

d) can

8. If you don’t revise your lessons thoroughly, you …………………………. not get good marks.

a) will

b) would

c) should

d) could

9. ………………….. I talk to your teacher?

a) Should

b) Would

c) Must

d) Ought

10. You ……………………. to have a word with him.

a) ought

b) should

c) could

d) must


1. must; 2. can; 3. would; 4. would; 5. Can / May; 6. can; 7. can; 8. will; 9. Should; 10. ought

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise

Fill in the blanks with a verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Neither answer …………………….. to be correct.

a) seem

b) seems

c) is seeming

d) has seemed

2. Either he or I ……………………… to go.

a) have

b) has

c) are

d) is

3. A section of the society ……………………….. that capital punishment should be abolished.

a) believe

b) believes

c) is believing

d) are believing

4. A lot of people ………………………….. to migrate.

a) want

b) wants

c) are wanting

d) is wanting

5. Each of these cats ………………………… up for adoption.

a) is

b) are

c) were

d) have been

6. Neither colour ……………………….. me.

a) suits

b) suit

c) is suiting

d) are suiting

7. The boy and his pony ……………………….. a familiar sight around town.

a) is

b) are

c) was

d) have

8. Every minute detail ………………………… taken care of.

a) is

b) are

c) have been

d) were

9. My brother along with his wife ………………………….. in Canada.

a) live

b) lives

c) are living

c) have been living

10. Each book in this series ………………………… a best seller.

a) is

b) are

c) have been

d) were


1. seems; 2. have; 3. believes; 4. want; 5. is; 6. suits; 7. are; 8. is; 9. lives; 10. is

Error correction exercise

Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.

1. A victim of injustice is bound to be full with resentment.


2. We want raising our children to be decent men and women.


3. He was able to cheat people by putting a hidden clause in all contract.


4. The fact that he was leaving doesn’t upset her at all.


5. The police can inform the prisoner of his legal rights.


6. No one inhabit that old house.


7. He has no inhibitions about to disagree with his boss.


8. The composer owe his initiation into the music world to his father.


9. A severe head injury left the fighter unconscious since days.


10. Did you had any idea that he was coming?



1. Error: with / Correction: of

2. Error: raising / Correction: to raise

3. Error: all / Correction: every

4. Error: doesn’t / Correction: didn’t

5. Error: can / Correction: should / must

6. Error: inhabit / Correction: inhabits

7. Error: to disagree / Correction: disagreeing

8. Error: owe / Correction: owes

9. Error: since / Correction: for

10. Error: had / Correction: have

Direct and indirect speech worksheet

Report the given conversation correctly.

1. Rahul: I met Maya yesterday.

Seena: Really? When did she return from Canada?

Rahul told Seena that he had met Maya the previous day to which Seena asked ………………………………………..

Answer: when she had returned from Canada

2. Mother: You can’t watch TV before you have done your homework.

Daughter: I have already done my homework.

Mother told her daughter that …………………………………………… to which the daughter replied that …………………………………..

Answer: Mother told her daughter that she couldn’t watch TV before she had done her homework to which the daughter replied that she had already done her homework.

3. Woman: Do you know where the post office is?

Passerby: It is at the end of this street.

The woman asked the passerby …………………………………………..

Answer: if he knew where the post office was.

Mother: What shall we do now?

Her son: Let’s call the police.

Mother wondered what they should do then. Her son ……………………………………………..

Answer: Her son suggested that they should call the police.

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