Subject Verb Agreement Exercise for Class 5

The verb should agree with the subject in number and person. That means if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular. Likewise, if the subject is plural, the verb too should be plural.

Note that in the simple present tense, the verb takes the marker –s when the subject is a singular noun / pronoun.

  • My sister works hard. (Here the subject is a singular noun (sister). Hence, the verb work becomes works.)
  • We work hard. (The verb does not take –s when the subject is a plural noun or pronoun.)

When we connect two nouns or pronouns with and, the verb should be plural.

When we connect two singular nouns with or, the verb should be singular.

  • Tea or coffee does not agree with me.

When we connect a singular noun and a plural noun with or, the verb agrees with the noun closer to it.

  • He or his brothers have to go. (Here the plural verb go agrees with the plural noun brothers.)
  • His sisters or he has to take care of their parents. (Here the singular verb has agrees with the singular pronoun he.)

Use a singular verb with each, every, either and neither.

  • Every person is unique.
  • Each hand has five fingers.
  • Either key opens the door.
  • Neither answer is correct.

Note that each, every, either and neither are also followed by singular nouns.

Use a plural verb after few and many.

  • Few students have passed the test.
  • Many people have applied for the job.

Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet for Class 5

Fill in the blanks with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. It ………………….. a lot of time to learn a second language. (take / takes)

2. She …………………… better than I do. (sing / sings)

3. They …………………… in a small house. (live / lives)

4. You …………………. a lot of time to get ready. (take / takes)

5. My sister …………………….. stories. (write / writes)

6. I ……………………. listening to the rain. (like / likes)

7. He …………………… hard. (study / studies)

8. Nurses …………………….. after sick people. (look / looks)

9. Who ……………………… care of sick and injured people? (take / takes)

10. Radhika ……………………. really well. (sing / sings)

11. Kittens ……………………… a lot. (play /plays)

12. My kitty …………………….. quite playful. (is / are)

13. The dogs ……………………… barking. (is / are)

14. My puppy ………………….. always barking. (is /are)

15. Elephants …………………… herbivores. (is / are)


1. takes, 2. sings, 3. live, 4. take, 5. writes, 6. like, 7. studies, 8. look, 9. takes, 10. sings, 11. play, 12. is, 13. are, 14. is, 15. are

Worksheet 2

Fill in the blanks with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. They …………………. waiting outside. (is / are)

2. Who ………………… you? (is / are)

3. Where …………………. he? (is / are)

4. She ………………… no friends here. (has / have)

5. ………………… (Do / Does) you know who they ………………….. (is / are)

6. That …………………. not look possible. (do / does)

7. He and his brother ………………….. both doctors. (is / are)

8. Doctors ……………………. long hours. (work / works)

9. What …………………… it mean? (do / does)

10. She ………………….. arriving by the evening flight. (is / are)

11. Supriya …………………….. to become an architect. (want / wants)

12. ………………….. cats carnivores? (Are / Is)

13.  Cows and goats ……………………. on grass. (feed / feeds)

14. Which animals ………………….. milk? (give / gives)

15. The earth …………………… round the sun. (move / moves)

16. Tea and coffee ……………………. stimulants. (is / are)

17. What ………………….. that mean? (do / does)

18. Here …………………… the bus? (come / comes)

19. ………………….. he speak English? (Do / Does)

20. Pigeons ………………….. not make nests. (do / does)


1. are, 2. are, 3. is, 4. has, 5. Do, are, 6. does, 7. are, 8. work, 9. does, 10. is, 11. wants, 12. Are, 13. feed, 14. give, 15. moves, 16. are, 17. does, 18. comes, 19. Does, 20. do

Worksheet 3

Fill in the blanks with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. Both my sisters …………………….. abroad. (live / lives)

2. Most people ……………………. violence. (hate / hates)

3. My mother ……………………. up early in the morning. (wake / wakes)

4. It …………………….. good for children to wake up early. (is / are)

5. Reading …………………….. us more knowledgeable. (make / makes)

6. She ……………………. everything. (remember / remembers)

7. I ………………………. my mother. (resemble / resembles)

8. He ……………………. not remember anything. (do / does)

9. Parents ……………………. their children to do well in life. (want / wants)

10. Every parent …………………….. their children. (love / loves)

11. The government …………………….. building a dam across the river. (is / are)

12. The workers …………………… arrived. (has / have)

13. You ……………………. beautiful. (look / looks)

14. She …………………….. really well. (sing / sings)

15. The child ……………………. scraped his knee. (has / have)

16. Children ……………………. about. (rush / rushes)

17. What ……………………. you doing yesterday? (was / were)

18. My teacher …………………… a lot of homework. (give / gives)

19. Every child …………………… love and attention. (need / needs)

20. Somebody ……………………. knocking on the door. (is / are)

21. She …………………… her grandchildren. (adore / adores)

22. I …………………… doing my homework when the lights went out. (was / were)

23. The students ………………….. rehearsing the play. (is / are)

24. His latest novel ……………………… selling well. (is / are)

25. Masons ………………….. homes. (build / builds)


1. live, 2. hate, 3. wakes, 4. is, 5. makes, 6. remembers, 7. resemble, 8. does, 9. want, 10. loves, 11. is, 12. have, 13. look, 14. sings, 15. has, 16. rush, 17. were, 18. gives, 19. needs, 20. is, 21. adores, 22. was, 23. are, 24. is, 25. build

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