Present Participle As Adjective And Verb

This present participles worksheet is based on Unit 1 of class 10 English textbook Maharashtra board.

In the following sentences state whether the present participle is used as an adjective or a verb in the continuous form.

1. I was waiting for the bus at 8 am.

2. A burning candle gives light.

3. The sun is a shining object in the sky.

4. It is an interesting book.

5. I am looking forward to being a mother.

6. He is a boring writer.

7. I have got some exciting news to share with you.

8. I am going to buy a new car.

9. A rolling stone gathers no mosses.

10. Barking dogs seldom bite.

11. She is a charming woman.

12. We are working round the clock.

13. Working women should have someone to help them with the domestic chores.

14. They thought the sinking ship was doomed.


1. I was waiting for the bus at 8 am. (waiting – verb; it helps form the continuous tense form – was waiting)

2. A burning candle gives light. (burning – adjective; it helps modify the noun candle)

3. The sun is a shining object in the sky. (shining – adjective; it helps modify the noun object)

4. It is an interesting book. (interesting – adjective; it helps modify the noun book)

5. I am looking forward to being a mother. (looking – verb; it helps form the continuous tense form – am looking)

6. He is a boring writer. (boring – adjective; it modifies the noun writer)

7. I have got some exciting news to share with you. (exciting – adjective; it modifies the noun news)

8. I am going to buy a new car. (going – verb; it helps form the verb – am going)

9. A rolling stone gathers no mosses. (rolling – adjective; it modifies the noun stone)

10. Barking dogs seldom bite. (barking – adjective; it modifies the noun dogs)

11. She is a charming woman. (charming – adjective; it modifies the noun woman)

12. We are working round the clock. (working – verb; it helps form the continuous tense – are working)

13. Working women should have someone to help them with the domestic chores. (working – adjective; it modifies the noun women)

14. They thought the sinking ship was doomed. (sinking – adjective; it modifies the noun ship)

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