Simple Sentence, Complex Sentence, Compound Sentence Worksheet For Classes 7 And 8

State whether the following sentences are simple, complex or compound.

A simple sentence has just one clause. That means it has just one finite verb.

A complex sentence has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses introduced by a subordinating conjunction. Common subordinating conjunctions are: as, if, when, before, after, whether, though, although, as if, as though etc.

A compound sentence has two or more coordinate clauses connected by coordinating conjunctions. Common coordinating conjunctions are: and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet.

1. I met him yesterday.

2. Not knowing what to do, I went home.

3. He was there but he didn’t talk to me.

4. I know why you are angry with me.

5. When it started raining, they stopped playing.

6. If you are busy today, I will come tomorrow.

7. We can go by bus or we can hire a taxi.

8. The streets are wet for it rained yesterday.

9. He was poor so he led a miserable life.

10. As soon as I saw him, I rushed to greet him.

11. Though she is my colleague, we are not on very good terms.

12. Working hard, we managed to finish the project on him.


Finite verbs are bolded in the answers.

1. I met him yesterday. (Simple sentence)

2. Not knowing what to do, I went home. (Simple sentence; there is only one finite verb in this sentence – went; the other two verbs (knowing, to do) are non-finites.)

3. He was there but he didn’t talk to me. (Compound sentence)

4. I know why you are angry with me. (Complex sentence)

5. When it started raining, they stopped playing. (Complex sentence)

6. If you are busy today, I will come tomorrow. (Complex sentence)

7. We can go by bus or we can hire a taxi. (Compound sentence)

8. The streets are wet for it rained yesterday. (Compound sentence)

9. He was poor so he led a miserable life. (Compound sentence)

10. As soon as I saw him, I rushed to greet him. (Complex sentence)

11. Though she is my colleague, we are not on very good terms. (Complex sentence)

12. Working hard, we managed to finish the project on him. (Simple sentence)

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Simple sentence, complex sentence or compound sentence worksheet for class 7 CBSE

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