Proper Nouns And Common Nouns Worksheet For Classes 4 And 5

Identify the common noun and proper noun in the following sentences.

A proper noun is the name of a particular person or thing. Examples are: Rani, Madhav, Peter, Salim, English, India, Kerala, Ganga etc.

A common noun is a word referring to a particular class of people or things. Examples are: books, flowers, animals, birds, students, nations etc.

1. Sita went to school with her sister Urmila.

2. India is our country. All Indians are our brothers and sisters.

3. Rohan and Sania are playing badminton.

4. Where have all the children gone?

5. China is larger than India.

6. Raju enjoys playing with his kittens.

7. A tiger is faster than a deer.

8. This pond abounds in fish.

9. Shalini is a good friend of mine.

10. Why is Shyam absent today?

11. Where is Janaki? She is watering the plants in the garden.

12. My father is an architect.

13. My mother takes great pleasure in feeding stray cats and dogs.

14. Supriya wants to be a scientist.


1. Sita (proper) went to school (common) with her sister (common) Urmila (proper).

2. India (proper) is our country (common). All Indians (proper) are our brothers (common) and sisters (common).

3. Rohan (proper) and Sania (proper) are playing badminton (common).

4. Where have all the children (common) gone?

5. China (proper) is larger than India (proper).

6. Raju (proper) enjoys playing with his kittens (common).

7. A tiger (common) is faster than a deer (common).

8. This pond (common) abounds in fish (common).

9. Shalini (proper) is a good friend (common) of mine.

10. Why is Shyam (proper) absent today?

11. Where is Janaki (proper)? She is watering the plants (common) in the garden (common).

12. My father (common) is an architect (common).

13. My mother (common) takes great pleasure in feeding stray cats (common) and dogs (common).

14. Supriya (proper) wants to be a scientist (common).

Nouns And Pronouns Worksheets and Exercises

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