Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 | Resources | Extra Questions

Here are expected questions from NCERT class 8 geography chapter 1 resources. Textbook solutions of this chapter can be found here.

1. What is a resource?

Anything that can be used to satisfy a need is a resource. Examples are: clothes, water, electricity, vehicles, vegetables etc.

2. What is utility?

Utility is the property of an object or substance that makes it usable. Utility is what makes an object a resource.

3. What is patent?

Patent is an exclusive right over any idea or invention.

4. How time and technology can change substances into resources?

Using their ideas, knowledge, inventions and discoveries people can create more resources from existing ones. Each invention leads to more inventions. This happens over a period of time and requires the application of available technologies. For example, the invention of fire led to the practice of cooking. Likewise, the invention of wheels resulted in the development of newer and advanced modes of transport. Thus, time and technology help to change substances into resources.

5. What are the three types of resources?

Natural, human made and human.

6. What are natural resources?

These are resources drawn from nature and can be used without much modification. Examples are: air, water, soil, minerals.

7. What are renewable resources?

Resources that get renewed or replenished quickly are renewable resources. Examples are solar and wind energy.

8. What are non-renewable resources?

These are resources that have a limited stock. Once these resources get used up, it may take thousands or even millions of years for them to be replenished. Hence, they are called non-renewable resources. Examples are: coal, petroleum and natural gas.

9. Why isn’t there even distribution of natural resources?

The distribution of natural resources depends on geographical factors like terrain, climate and altitude. Since these factors change considerably from place to place, the distribution of resources is unequal.

10. What are human made resources?

Some natural substances become valuable resources only when their original form is changed. For example, iron ore became a resource only after people started extracting iron from it. Thus, substances which are made into resources by humans are called human made resources.

11. What is human resource and why is it important?

Humans are the most important resource. If people have the skills, knowledge and technology they can make best use of nature to create more and more resources. That is why people are an important resource. Human resources are important because without improving it, we cannot create enough resources.

12. What is human resource development?

Improving the quality of people’s skills so that they are able to create more resources is known as human resource development.

13. What is resource conservation?

Using resources carefully and giving them enough time to get replenished is called resource conservation.

14. What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development refers to the practice of balancing the need to use resources and conserving them for future.

15. How can we conserve resources?

There are several ways to conserve resources. Each person can contribute to resource conservation by limiting their consumption. Reusing and recycling things are other ways to conserve resources.

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