Change Negative Sentence To Affirmative Sentence Without Changing The Meaning | Grammar Worksheet

Change negative sentences into affirmative without changing the meaning.

1. We cannot refuse this offer.

2. He has not completed his work.

3. I have no inclination to help them.

4. I couldn’t help laughing.

5. They didn’t accept the invite.

6. I will never forget this experience.

7. He isn’t flawless.

8. I didn’t find anyone there.

9. She didn’t pass the test.

10. It was not the right thing to do.

11. It is not possible for us to conquer them.

12. It is not beneficial for you to lead a sedentary life.


1. We have to accept this offer.

2. He has failed to complete his work.

3. I am disinclined to help them.

4. I laughed.

5. They refused the invite.

6. I will always remember this experience.

7. He has some flaws.

8. I found hardly anyone there.

9. She failed the test.

10. It was the wrong thing to do.

11. It is impossible for us to conquer them.

12. It is harmful for you to lead a sedentary life.

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