Editing Exercises For Class 9 CBSE With Answers

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Identify the error, correct it and write the error and the correction in the space provided. The first one has been done for you.

Renowned archeologist Denis Price, who shoots to fame last year (a)shootsshot
with his amazing discovery of Stonehenge’s lost altar stone is (b)
now claimed to having found the famed ‘Lost city of Apollo’ around (c)
the Neolithic structure. Much experts believe the lost city is a (d)
myth, but Price is convinced that the city exists and that it is situating (e)
right on the outskirts of Salisbury were the Stonehenge is situated. (f)


a) Error – shoots / correction – shot

b) Error – is / correction – has

c) Error – having / correction – have

d) Error – much / correction – many

e) Error – situating / correction – situated

f) Error – were / correction – where

Exercise 2

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Identify the error, correct it and write the error and the correction in the space provided

Every years, major storms cause major problems around the (a)
world. There’s nothing people may do to stop the powerful forces (b)
of nature. But new techniques were helping scientists to predict (c)
how, when, and where the big ones would occur. (d)


a) Error – years / correction – year

b) Error – may / correction – can

c) Error – were / correction – are

d) Error – would / correction – will

Exercise 3

Caffeine works from blocking the effects of a sleep-inducing substance (a)fromby
called adenosine. The substance accumulate inside you throughout the (b)
day. As adenosine levels rise, you became calm and drowsy. Later, as (c)
you sleep, adenosine levels drop. Though you wake up, the cycle starts (d)
again. By not allowing adenosine building up, caffeine keeps you (e)
feeling fired up. Caffeine also increases your blood pressure, what (f)
may make you feel even if your chest is pounding. (g)


a) Error – from / correction – by

b) Error – accumulate / correction – accumulates

c) Error – became / correction – become

d) Error – though / correction – when

e) Error – building / correction – to build

f) Error – what / correction – which

g) Error – even / correction – as

Exercise 4

Good manners require you following some simple guidelines. (a)followingto follow
Of course there are cultural differences that needs to be taken (b)
into consideration. What is rude in Japan maybe perfectly (c)
acceptable in Latin America. However, while you will be forgave for (d)
not known the rules of an alien culture, you will not be excused (e)
for being careless in your on country. In any case, always (f)
remember that good manners is all about making others’ comfortable. (g)


a) Error – following / correction – to follow

b) Error – needs / correction – need

c) Error – maybe / correction – may be

d) Error – forgave / correction – forgiven

e) Error – known / correction – knowing

f) Error – on / correction – own

g) Error – others’ / correction – others

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