Present Perfect Tense Worksheet For Class 6

We make the present perfect tense form by putting has or have before the past participle form of the verb.

Use has when the subject is a singular noun or pronoun.

Use have when the subject is a plural noun or pronoun.

Present perfect tense worksheet

1. I ……………………….. that movie. (watch)

2. The guests ………………………….. yet. (not arrive)

3. Raju ………………………….. (do) his homework.

4. Susie …………………………. (return) from work.

5. You …………………….. (not pay) your fee yet.

6. They ……………………….. (announce) the results.

7. We ……………………….. (not hear) from them yet.

8. The child ………………………. (sleep) enough.

9. The students …………………….. (prepare) well for the test.

10. Sania ……………………………. yet another gold medal. (win)

11. ………………….. you ……………………. the test? (pass)

12. Where …………………… they ……………………? (go)

13. Janaki ………………………… (find) a new job.

14. The bell ………………………… (ring)

15. She …………………………… (act) in several films.


1. I have watched that movie.

2. The guests have not arrived yet.

3. Raju has done his homework.

4. Susie has returned from work.

5. You have not paid your fee yet.

6. They have announced the results.

7. We have not heard from them yet.

8. The child has slept enough.

9. The students have prepared well for the test.

10. Sania has won yet another gold medal.

11. Have you passed the test?

12. Where have they gone?

13. Janaki has found a new job.

14. The bell has rung.

15. She has acted in several films.

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