Phrases and Clauses Worksheet for Class 6 with Answers

A phrase is a group of words that does not make complete sentence. A phrase may contain an infinitive, gerund or participle. It will never have a finite verb. A clause is a group of words that makes complete sense. A clause must have a finite verb. It will usually also have a subject.


Say whether the given group of words is a clause or phrase.

1. what she said

2. who they are

3. how to solve this problem

4. it takes a lot of time

5. having delivered the message

6. however hard you may try

7. by dint of hard work

8. in spite of trying hard

9. as long as you want

10. having found the answer

11. because you are in a hurry

12. as if she was rich

13. what could be done

14. wandering around the countryside

15. taking care of young babies

16. she broken down

17. what he said

18. having lost much blood

19. running after the thief

20. no sooner did he receive

21. but for his help

22. none of your business

23. looking after your business

24. whenever you want

25. no sooner did she arrive

26. on account of his illness

27. young as he was a far away land

29. that is none of your business

30. if you want


1. Clause – said is a finite verb

2. Clause – are is a finite verb

3. Phrase – to solve is a non-finite verb

4. Clause – takes is a finite verb

5. Phrase – having is a present participle; it is a non-finite verb

6. Clause – may is a finite verb

7. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

8. Phrase – trying is a gerund; it is a non-finite verb

9. Clause – want is a finite verb

10. Phrase – having is a present participle; it is a non-finite verb

11. Clause – are is a finite verb

12. Clause – was is a finite verb

13. Clause – could is a finite verb

14. Phrase – wandering is a non-finite verb

15. Phrase – taking is a present participle; it is a non-finite verb

16. Clause – broke is a finite verb

17. Clause – said is a finite verb

18. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

19. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

20. Clause – did receive is a finite verb

21. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

22. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

23. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

24. Clause – want is a finite verb

25. Clause – did arrive is a finite verb

26. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

27. Clause – the verb was is finite

28. Phrase – there is no finite verb in this group of words

29. that is none of your business (Clause – the verb is is finite)

30. Clause – the verb want is finite

See Also

Phrases and clauses worksheet for class 6

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