Determiners Worksheet for Class 8 with Answers

Determiners are words like all, any, some, much, many, whole, few, little, each and every.

Use plural nouns and plural verbs with all, few, many and several.

  • All students have passed the test. (NOT All student has passed the test.)
  • Many students are participating in the program. (NOT Many student is participating in the program.)

Use singular nouns and singular verbs with each, every, either, neither, much and little.

  • Every child needs love.
  • Much time has been wasted on the project.
  • A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

The determiners some and any can be used with both uncountable and plural nouns.

  • Some people are vegetarians. (Here we used the plural noun people and plural verb are with some.)
  • Some effort is required to break a habit. (Here some is used with the uncountable noun effort and the singular verb is.)

Before a pronoun or a noun with a determiner, we use some of, any of, many of, most of etc.

  • Some of my friends are doctors. (NOT Some my friends are doctors.)
  • Many of the guests have not arrived yet. (NOT Many the guests have not arrived yet.)

Before a pronoun, we use all of.

  • All of them have gone. (NOT All them have gone.)

Before a noun with a determiner, we can use all or all of.

  • All my friends are non-smokers. OR All of my friends are non-smokers.

Worksheet 1

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner.

1. The hostess received …………………… guest with great warmth. (every/ some / any)

2. Do you have ………………….. doubts? (any / some / a)

3. We met …………………….. interesting people on holiday. (any / some / every)

4. There are beautiful plants on …………………… side of the road. (all / either)

5. Do you know …………………….. people here? (any / some)

6. I must buy …………………… clothes. I have nothing to wear. (some / all / any)

7. She does not have …………………….. friends here. (many / much / some)

8. …………………… people have attempted to solve this problem. (Many / Much / Every)

9. The hostess personally greeted ……………………. guest in the room. (every / all / some)

10. ………………….. the guests have arrived. (All / Every / Each)

11. The doctor saw ……………………. patient. (each / all / some)

12. …………………….. people follow a simple lifestyle these days. (Few / Less / Little)

13. I have ……………………. respect for such people. (little / few / every)

14. Not ………………….. is known about him. (much / many / all)

15. We received …………………… help from them. (much / many)


1. every, 2. any, 3. some, 4. either, 5. any, 6. some, 7. any, 8. Many, 9. every, 10. All, 11. each, 12. Few, 13. little, 14. much, 15. much

Worksheet 2

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner.

1. I talked to ……………………. of the delegates. (some / any / every)

2. You have ………………….. reason to be happy. (every /all / some)

3. I don’t know …………………….. people who are happy with what they have. (many / some / every)

4. ………………… girl gave her own version of the story. (Each / All / Many)

5. We have …………………… money. (few / little)

6. …………………. of us have heard about the Theory of Relativity. (All / Every / Each)

7. ………………… people can understand the Theory of Relativity. (Few / Little / Every)

8. ………………….. people are happy with their lives. (Few / Any / Little)

9. She has been to nearly ………………….. countries. (all / every / many)

10. She has been to …………………….. continent. (every / all / whole)

11. There weren’t ……………………. students in the class today. (many / some / much)

12. ………………… money is required to build a home. (Much / Any / Many)

13. ……………………. children are curious by nature. (All / Every / Each)

14. ………………….. child needs attention. (Every / All / Some)

15. ……………………. day brings its own challenges. (Each / All / Some)

16. She has not shown …………………… interest in politics. (any / some / many)

17. I know …………………….. people in this town. (few / any / little)

18. We have not got ……………………. time to waste. (much / some / many)

19. She narrated the ……………………. incident. (whole / all / each)

20. ……………………. people battle depression these days. (Many / Any / Every)


1. some, 2. every, 3. many, 4. Each, 5. little, 6. All, 7. Few,  8. Few, 9. all, 10. every, 11. many, 12. Much, 13. All, 14. Every, 15. Each, 16. any, 17. few, 18. much, 19. whole, 20. Many

Worksheet 3

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner.

1. ………………… the guests have arrived. (All / All of / Either could be used here)

2. ………………….. the students failed the test. (Many / Many of / Either could be used here)

3. …………………… them are doctors. (Both / Both of / Either could be used here)

4. …………………… these apples are rotten. (Some / Some of / Either could be used here)

5. I have bought ……………………….. apples. (some / some of / Either could be used here)

6. You can take …………………… these books. (any / any of / Either could be used here)

7. I have read ……………………. these books. (most / most of / Either could be used here)

8. ………………….. people applied for the job. (Many / Many of / Either could be used here)

9. ……………………. the applicants were graduates. (Many / Many of / Either could be used here)

10. ……………………. them were even post graduates. (Some / Some of / Either could be used here)


1. All of / All the guests, 2. Many of, 3. Both of, 4. Some of, 5. some, 6. any of, 7. most of, 8. Many, 9. Many of, 10. Some of

See Also

Determiners worksheet for class 8 CBSE

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