Phrasal Verbs Worksheet For Class 8
Test your understanding of phrasal verbs with this grammar exercise.

1. If you leave out a single detail, you will be penalized. (To leave out is to omit.)
2. I came across an old friend of mine yesterday. (To come across somebody is to meet them by chance.)
3. She put on her best clothes and went to the party. (To put on clothes is to wear them.)
4. Women still make up only a small proportion of the working force. (Make up means constitute or comprise.)
5. She is quite fond of making up tall tales. (To make up tales is to invent them.)
6. Go through your lessons at least once before the exam. (To go through a lesson is to read it carefully.)
7. Abraham Lincoln put an end to slavery in America. (To put an end to something is to abolish it.)
8. I cannot put up with his arrogance. (To put up with something is to tolerate it.)
9. Although I invited all of my friends, none of them turned up for my birthday. (To turn up is to arrive.)
10. I don’t understand why they turned down my application. (To turn down is to reject.)
11. The French army gave in to the British army after much resistance. (To give in is to surrender.)