Integrated Grammar Worksheet For Class 9 CBSE

Fill in the blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

We ……………..(a)………… not go for a walk yesterday. The wind ……………….(b)……….. so cold and rain ……………(c)………. imminent so everyone preferred …………………(d)…………… indoors. I was ………………(e)……………… happy as I never liked long walks especially in winter.

(a) (i) did; (ii) can; (iii) would; (iv) do

(b) (i) is; (ii) was; (iii) has been; (iv) had been

(c) (i) looks; (ii) looked; (iii) had looked; (iv) was looking

(d) (i) staying; (ii) to staying; (iii) to stay; (iv) stay

(e) (i) such; (ii) very; (iii) too; (iv) many


We did (a) not go for a walk yesterday. The wind was (b) so cold and rain looked (c) imminent so everyone preferred to stay (d) indoors. I was very (e) happy as I never liked long walks especially in winter.

Integrated Grammar exercise 2

Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

Poetry is one of the best ways to (a) ……………………. ideas and feelings in limited words and line lengths. (b) …………………………, poetry is not just (c) ……………………….. matter of breaking up long sentences into smaller lines. Good poetry shows an adept use of the imagination, a judicious handling of images and (d) ……………………. all, the capability to use the rich range of rhythm, tone and rhyme (e) ……………………. the language.

(a) (i) expressed; (ii) expresses; (iii) express; (iv) expression

(b) (i) as; (ii) however; (iii) either; (iv) neither

(c) (i) the; (ii) a; (iii) in; (iv) that

(d) (i) all; (ii) in; (iii) below; (iv) above

(e) (i) on; (ii) in; (iii) at; (iv) of


Poetry is one of the best ways to (a) express ideas and feelings in limited words and line lengths. (b) However, poetry is not just (c) a matter of breaking up long sentences into smaller lines. Good poetry shows an adept use of the imagination, a judicious handling of images and (d) above all, the capability to use the rich range of rhythm, tone and rhyme (e) of the language.

Integrated grammar worksheet 3

Fill in the blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

People have a tough time learning new languages as they …………..a……………….. older, but infants have the ability to learn any language easily. For a long time, scientists ………………b……………… to explain how babies can learn the complicated grammatical rules and sounds required to communicate in words. New studies ……….c………… them better insights.

Most babies can utter sounds like “goo goo” and “ma ma,” by 6 months of age, and most kids ………..d…………… in full sentences by age 3. Studies suggest that the progression from babbles to actual words …………..e…………. with the ability to tell the difference between simple sounds. Starting at around 6 months old, a baby’s brain …………..f…………. on the most common sounds it hears. Then, children …………g…………. responding only to the sounds of the language they hear the most.

(a) (i) grow; (ii) are growing; (iii) have grown; (iv) grew

(b) (i) are struggling; (ii) have struggled; (iii) struggled; (iv) had struggled

(c) (i) give; (ii) are giving; (iii) have been giving; (iv) were giving

(d) (i) speak; (ii) are speaking; (iii) have spoken; (iv) spoke

(e) (i) begin; (ii) begins; (iii) began; (iv) begun

(f) (i) is focusing; (ii) have been focusing; (iii) focuses; (iv) have focused

(g) (i) starts; (ii) start; (iii) are starting; (iv) have started


People have a tough time learning new languages as they grow (a) older, but infants have the ability to learn any language easily. For a long time, scientists have struggled (b) to explain how babies can learn the complicated grammatical rules and sounds required to communicate in words. New researches are giving (c) them better insights.

Most babies can utter sounds like “goo goo” and “ma ma,” by 6 months of age, and most kids speak (d) in full sentences by age 3. Researches suggest that the progression from babbles to actual words begins (e) with the ability to tell the difference between simple sounds. Starting at around 6 months old, a baby’s brain focuses (f) on the most common sounds it hears. Then, children start (g) responding only to the sounds of the language they hear the most.

Integrated grammar worksheet 4

Fill in the blanks using the most appropriate option from the ones that follow.

Studies …………a………….. that children who perform well in academics are …………b………… who drink up to eight glasses of water a day. Water acts as a transport system, …………c………….. nutrients to the brain and eliminating toxins. Your brain needs to be fully hydrated …………..d…………. it can function at optimum levels. Water is also essential ………….e…………… concentration and mental alertness.

……………f……………. your water intake is not the only way to enhance your concentration. …………..g……………. you eat and how much you eat are equally important ………h……… Eat little and eat often. Heavy meals are hard to digest. As a result of this, your brain will receive only a ……….i…………. supply of oxygen. That is why you feel sleepy …………j…………… a heavy meal. Exercise is another good option to maintain alertness as …………..k…………. oxygenates the brain.


(a) (i) showed; (ii) are showing; (iii) have shown; (iv) had shown

(b) (i) they; (ii) them; (iii) these; (iv) those

(c) (i) deliver; (ii) delivers; (iii) delivering; (iv) delivered

(d) (i) so; (ii) such that; (iii) so that; (iv) as

(e) (i) to; (ii) of; (iii) in; (iv) for

(f) (i) Increase; (ii) Increased; (iii) Increasing; (iv) Increases

(g) (i) What; (ii) That; (iii) Which; (iv) Whom

(h) (i) little; (ii) less; (iii) least; (iv) lesser

(i) (i) reducing; (ii) reduce; (iii) reduced; (iv) reduces

(j) (i) with; (ii) after; (iii) for; (iv) from

(k) (i) that; (ii) which; (iii) it; (iv) this


Studies have shown (a) that children who perform well in academics are those (b) who drink up to eight glasses of water a day. Water acts as a transport system, delivering (c) nutrients to the brain and eliminating toxins. Your brain needs to be fully hydrated so that (d) it functions at optimum levels. Water is also essential for (e) concentration and mental alertness.

Increasing (f) your water intake is not the only way to enhance your concentration. What (g) you eat and how much you eat are equally important too. Eat little (h) and eat often. Heavy meals are hard to digest. As a result of this, your brain will receive only a reduced (i) supply of oxygen. This is why you feel sleepy after (j) a heavy meal. Exercise is another good option to maintain alertness as it (k) oxygenates the brain.

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