Subject – Verb Agreement Worksheet For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. Somebody ……………………….. left the door open. (has / have)

2. You ………………………. no right to read my letters. (has / have)

3. Neither he nor she ……………………….. capable of doing this. (is / are)

4. Either James or Rahul ……………………….. to go. (has / have)

5. Nobody ………………………. there to support me. (was / were)

6. Each hand ………………………… five fingers. (has / have)

7. Every person ………………………. got problems. (has / have)

8. Some of us ………………………. (want / wants) a new system.

9. None of them …………………………. (was / were) able to succeed.

10. All of us …………………………. (has / have) got problems.

11. A lot of patience …………………………. (is /are) required to be a good teacher.

12. Lots of people ……………………….. (want / wants) to become famous.


1. has (Use a singular verb after somebody and someone.)

2. have

3. is (When we connect two singular subjects with neither/nor, we use a verb that agrees with the latter subject in number and person.)

4. has

5. was (Use a singular verb after nobody.)

6. has (Use a singular verb after each and every.)

7. has (Use a singular verb after every.)

8. want (When the noun/pronoun following some is plural, use a plural verb.)

9. was

10. have

11. is (When the noun/pronoun following lots of / a lot of is singular, use a singular verb.)

12. want. (When the noun/pronoun following lots of / a lot of is plural, use a plural verb.)

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  1. Aaryansh says:


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