Proper Nouns And Common Nouns Worksheet For Class 5 CBSE

Identify the common nouns and proper nouns in the following sentences.

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, country, place, language, mountain, desert or river. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. Examples are: India, China, the Ganga, English etc.

A common noun is the name of a particular class of people, animals, birds or things. Examples are: parents, boys, girls, students, nations, tigers, cats and crows.

Proper nouns and common nouns worksheet for class 5

1. Sita is an architect.

2. Sam is my best friend.

3. The crow is a clever bird.

4. India is a vast country.

5. Asia is the biggest continent in the world.

6. Hindi is spoken in many parts of North India.

7. Rakhi is learning the violin.

8. My sister’s husband is a doctor.

9. The teacher asked the students to take down the notes.

10. Greenland is the largest island in the world.

11. Raju is an ambitious child.

12. She goes to school on foot.

13. One of my cousins lives in Canada.

14. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world.


1. Sita (proper noun) is an architect (common noun).

2. Sam (proper noun) is my best friend (common noun).

3. The crow (common noun) is a clever bird (common noun).

4. India (proper noun) is a vast country (common noun).

5. Asia (proper noun) is the biggest continent (common noun) in the world (common noun).

6. Hindi (proper noun) is spoken in many parts of North India (proper noun).

7. Rakhi (proper noun) is learning the violin (common noun).

8. My sister’s husband (common noun) is a doctor (common noun).

9. The teacher (common noun) asked the students (common noun) to take down the notes (common noun).

10. Greenland (proper noun) is the largest island (common noun) in the world (common noun).

11. Raju (proper noun) is an ambitious child (common noun).

12. She goes to school (common noun) on foot (common noun).

13. One of my cousins (common noun) lives in Canada (proper noun).

14. Hinduism (proper noun) is one of the oldest religions (common noun) in the world (common noun).

Proper nouns and common nouns worksheet 2

Underline the proper nouns and italicize the common nouns in the following sentences.

  1. Saturn is the largest planet in our solar system.
  2. Raju doesn’t have a job.
  3. Martin runs a store in the city.
  4. Hindi is spoken in most parts of North India.
  5. My mother is an architect.
  6. Rahul and his wife live with their parents.
  7. Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world.
  8. Indonesia is a group of islands in Asia.
  9. Rahim hails from a small town in Kerala.
  10. Our national anthem was written by Rabindranath Tagore.
  11. India is the largest democracy in the world.
  12. My sister works at the State Bank of India.
  13. Stella and I were friends at university.
  14. The students were asked to draw a map of Sri Lanka.
  15. Most children believe in Santa Claus.
  16. I have invited Meera to dinner.
  17. He is a student at Oxford University.
  18. The Prime Minister is to visit Nigeria next month.


  1. Saturn (proper noun) is the largest planet in our solar system.
  2. Raju (proper noun) doesn’t have a job.
  3. Martin (proper noun) runs a store in the city.
  4. Hindi (proper noun) is spoken in most parts of North India (proper noun) .
  5. My mother is an architect.
  6. Rahul (proper noun) and his wife live with their parents.
  7. Mt. Everest (proper noun) is the highest peak in the world.
  8. Indonesia (proper noun) is a group of islands in Asia (proper noun) .
  9. Rahim (proper noun) hails from a small town in Kerala (proper noun) .
  10. Our national anthem was written by Rabindranath Tagore (proper noun) .
  11. India (proper noun) is the largest democracy in the world.
  12. My sister works at the State Bank of India (proper noun) .
  13. Stella (proper noun) and I were friends at university.
  14. The students were asked to draw a map of Sri Lanka (proper noun) .
  15. Most children believe in Santa Claus (proper noun) .
  16. I have invited Meera (proper noun) to dinner.
  17. He is a student at Oxford University (proper noun) .
  18. The Prime Minister is to visit Nigeria (proper noun) next month.

Proper nouns and Common nouns worksheets

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