Types of Nouns Worksheet
There are different types of nouns.
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, language etc. Proper nouns always begin with capital letters.
A common noun is a word used to refer to a particular class of people or things. Common nouns have singular and plural forms. Examples are: student, students, people, boys, books, birds, countries, languages, trees etc.
An abstract noun is a word used to refer to an idea or quality that we cannot see, feel or touch. Examples are: honesty, beauty, kindness, bravery, intelligence, cleverness etc.
Fill in the blanks with the correct noun. Say which type of noun each one of them is.

1. My sister works in Germany. Proper noun
2. I was attacked by a swarm of bees Collective noun
3. Rahul wants to be a singer. Common noun
4. Gold is a precious metal. Material noun
5. They fought the enemy with courage. Abstract noun
6. I have no words to express my gratitude. Abstract noun
7. Holi is the festival of colours. Proper noun
8. Everybody loves honest rulers. Common noun
9. Dogs make great pets. Common noun
10. I love my parents. Common noun