Conditional Clauses Exercise For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form. Test your ability to use if/conditional sentences correctly with this grammar exercise


In Type 1 conditional, use a simple present tense in the if-clause and will / can / may + first form of the verb in the main clause.

In Type 2 conditional, use a simple past tense in the if-clause and would/could/might + first form of the verb in the main clause.

In Type 3 conditional, use a past perfect tense in the if-clause and would/could/might + have + past participle in the main clause.

Conditional clauses worksheet 1

1. If I were the Prime Minister, I ………………………….. (start) community kitchens all over the country.

2. If I were you, I …………………………….. (not marry) him.

3. I would not have failed, if I ……………………….. (study) harder.

4. If I were a doctor, I ……………………………. (treat) poor people for free.

5. If he had asked me, I ………………………….. (tell) him.

6. If I were a millionaire, I …………………………….. (help) the poor and the needy.

7. If he …………………………. more politely, he would not be in trouble. (behave)

8. If you ………………………….(not stop) smoking, you will develop cancer.

9. If they had brought him in time, he ……………………………. (save).

10. If she ……………………… (earn) a handsome salary, she could lead a better life.


1. If I were the Prime Minister, I would start community kitchens all over the country.

2. If I were you, I would not marry him.

3. I would not have failed, if I had studied harder.

4. If I were a doctor, I would treat poor people for free.

5. If he had asked me, I would have told him.

6. If I were a millionaire, I would help the poor and the needy.

7. If he behaved more politely, he would not be in trouble.

8. If you do not stop smoking, you will develop cancer.

9. If they had brought him in time, he could have been saved.

10. If she earned a handsome salary, she could lead a better life.

Conditional clauses worksheet 2

Can you use conditional clauses correctly? Test your understanding of if/conditional clauses with this grammar worksheet. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

1. If I were there, I ……………………… you. (will help / would help / would have helped)

2. If you ……………………. (reduce / reduced / had reduced) your consumption of fatty foods, you would not gain so much weight.

3. If she worked hard, she …………………….. (will not fail / would not fail / would not have failed)

4. If you …………………….. ice, it melts. (heat / heated / had heated)

5. If she ……………………… (listen / listened / had listened) to me, she would not have landed herself in trouble.

6. If the students …………………………. well, they would have scored higher marks. (study / studied / had studied)

7. If I am late, I …………………… a cab to work. (take / took / had taken)

8. If you were here in the morning, you ……………………….. her. (can meet / could meet / could have met)

9. If you ………………………. (are / were / had been) more careful, you would not have fallen.

10. If he arrived now, we …………………….. (can go / could go / could have gone) to the movies.

11. If I…………………….. his address, I could visit him personally. (know / knew /had known)

12. If I …………………. more time, I could visit a few more places. (have / had / had had)


1. If I were there, I would help you.

2. If you reduced your consumption of fatty foods, you would not gain so much weight.

3. If she worked hard, she would not fail.

4. If you heat ice, it melts.

5. If she had listened to me, she would not have landed herself in trouble.

6. If the students had studied well, they would have scored higher marks.

7. If I am late, I take a cab to work.

8. If you were here in the morning, you could meet her.

9. If you had been more careful, you would not have fallen.

10. If he arrived now, we could go to the movies.

11. If I knew his address, I could visit him personally.

12. If I had more time, I could visit a few more places.

Conditional clauses worksheet 3

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form. This grammar worksheet tests your ability to use conditional clauses correctly.

1. If you …………………… to go to the party, you needn’t (do not want / did not want / had not wanted).

2. If you …………………… (do not work / did not work / had not worked) you cannot earn money.

3. I ………………….. (will not do / would not do / would not have gone) it if I were you.

4.  If you ……………………… your medicines on time, you will get better. (take / took / had taken)

5. If she …………………… (exercise / exercises / has exercised / had exercised) regularly, she will lose weight.

6. If you ……………………. in my position, what would you do? (are / were / had been)

7. If I ……………………. my job, we will be in trouble. (lose / lost / had lost)

8. If I were you, I ……………………. 1000 dollars on that used car. (will not spend / would not spend / would not have spent)

9. If it weren’t too cold, we ………………………… for a walk. (can go / could go / could have gone)

10. You ……………………….. a better job, if you had a degree. (will get / would get / would have got)


1. If you do not want to go to the party, you needn’t.

2. If you do not work you cannot earn money.

3. I would not do it if I were you.

4.  If you take your medicines on time, you will get better.

5. If she exercises regularly, she will lose weight.

6. If you were in my position, what would you do?

7. If I lose my job, we will be in trouble.

8. If I were you, I would not spend 1000 dollars on that used car.

9. If it weren’t too cold, we could go for a walk.

10. You would get a better job, if you had a degree.

Conditional Clauses Worksheets

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