Combine Using As | Class 10 Grammar Worksheet
As is a subordinating conjunction. It shows the reason. It is similar to because and since. Note that as and since are used when the reason is already known to the listener or the reader.
- As it was an holiday, I didn’t get up early. OR Since it was an holiday, I didn’t get up early.
- As she is older and more experienced, I always listen to her.
As-clauses usually come at the beginning of the sentence. Note that when a subordinate clause comes at the beginning of a sentence, we usually separate it from the rest of the sentence with a comma.
As-clauses are formal. In an informal style, we are more likely to express the same idea using so.
- It was an holiday, so I didn’t get up early.
- She is older and more experienced, so I always listen to her.
The conjunction as can also be used to talk about two actions that happen at the same time.
- As I was walking down the road, a pack of dogs attacked me.
Note that in this case, we use a continuous tense for the longer background action introduced by as and a simple tense for the shorter action that interrupts it.
As can also be used to talk about two actions or situations that change together.
- As she grew old, she became feeble.
Combine the following sentences using as.

11. He was a fool. He did not realize that they were making fun of him.
12. He is not feeling well. He should see a doctor.
1. As he was tired, he didn’t go to work.
2. As he is lazy, he does not succeed at anything.
3. As you are my best friend, I will do anything to help you.
4. As it was very cold, I put the heating on.
5. As the cat had injured his paw, he couldn’t walk.
6. As I had a morning flight to catch, I woke up early.
7. As rain seemed imminent, I took my umbrella with me. (As shows cause and so shows effect. Use only one of these words in a sentence.)
8. As he didn’t have the required qualifications, he didn’t get the job.
9. As I was very hungry, I ate the whole loaf.
10. As the servant was honest, the master trusted him.
11. As he was a fool, he did not realize that they were making fun of him.
12. As he is not feeling well, he should see a doctor.