Adjectives And Adverbs With The Same Form | Class 6 Grammar Worksheets

Some words can be used both as adjectives and adverbs. Common examples are: near, early, high, low, much, pretty, better, enough, loud, fast, back, hard, only, next, little

1. Is she feeling any better?

2. This essay is better than that.

3. Have you bought enough eggs?

4. She is old enough to know better.

5. She doesn’t want to go back to school ever again.

6. They exited through the back door of the theatre.

7. What he did next shocked us.

8. The girl next door is cute and friendly.

9. Iron is a hard metal.

10. She works really hard.

11. He was the only person to witness the crime.

12. This fruit only grows in tropical climates.


1. Is she feeling any better? (Adverb)

2. This essay is better than that. (Adjective – modifies the noun essay)

3. Have you bought enough eggs? (Adjective – modifies the noun eggs)

4. She is old enough to know better. (Adverb – modifies the adjective old)

5. She doesn’t want to go back to school ever again. (Adverb – modifies the verb go)

6. They exited through the back door of the theatre. (Adjective – modifies the noun back)

7. What he did next shocked us. (Adverb – modifies the verb did)

8. The girl next door is cute and friendly. (Adjective – modifies the noun door)

9. Iron is a hard metal. (Adjective – modifies the noun metal)

10. She works really hard. (Adverb – modifies the verb works)

11. He was the only person to witness the crime. (Adjective – modifies the noun person)

12. This fruit only grows in tropical climates. (Adverb – modifies the verb grows)

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