Adjective vs. Adverb Exercise For Classes 5 And 6

Fill in the blanks with an adjective or adverb. You can learn more about adjectives and adverbs here.


Use adjectives to modify nouns. They usually go before the nouns modified by them. Adjectives may also go after the verb be (is, am, are, was, were). In this case, they act as subject complements.

Adverbs modify verbs. They say something about the time, place, manner or frequency of the action mentioned in the sentence.

1. He spoke ……………………….. (soft / softly)

2. I felt …………………….. (angry / angrily)

3. Are you feeling any …………………….. (better / good / well)

4. She is ……………………. in English. (fluent / fluently)

5. She works really …………………….. (hard / hardly)

6. He drives very …………………….. (fast / fastly)

7. I got the answer ………………………. (right / rightly)

8. The soldiers fought ……………………… (brave / bravely)

9. She is ………………………. to hear from her children. (anxious / anxiously)

10. The mother is …………………….. waiting for her son to return. (anxious / anxiously)

11. He drank the soup ……………………….. (greedy / greedily)

12. He was a ……………………. merchant who would do anything to earn more profits.


1. He spoke softly.

2. I felt angry. (Feel is a copular verb; we use adjectives to modify copular verbs.)

3. Are you feeling any better?

4. She is fluent in English.

5. She works really hard.

6. He drives very fast. (Fast is the adjective and adverb form of fast.)

7. I got the answer right.

8. The soldiers fought bravely.

9. She is anxious to hear from her children.

10. The mother is anxiously waiting for her son to return.

11. He drank the soup greedily.

12. He was a greedy merchant who would do anything to earn more profits.

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