Question Tags Exercise For Class 9

Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences.

1. Your mother cooks delicious pasta, …………………………..?

2. Your daughter got married, ……………………………?

3. We must not humiliate others, …………………………?

4. We must be helpful to others, …………………………?

5. They haven’t returned yet, ……………………………..?

6. Some people have never seen a lion, ………………………….?

7. I helped you, …………………………?

8. You will help me, …………………………?

9. He went to China, …………………………..?

10. Maya didn’t go to Germany, …………………………?

11. Ram likes sweets, ………………………..?

12. He ate the whole pudding, …………………………?


1. Your mother cooks delicious pasta, doesn’t she?

2. Your daughter got married, didn’t she?

3. We must not humiliate others, must we?

4. We must be helpful to others, mustn’t we?

5. They haven’t returned yet, have they?

6. Some people have never seen a lion, have they?

7. I helped you, didn’t I?

8. You will help me, won’t you?

9. He went to China, didn’t he?

10. Maya didn’t go to Germany, did she?

11. Ram likes sweets, doesn’t he?

12. He ate the whole pudding, didn’t he?

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