Phrasal Verbs for Class 10

Each sentence given below contains an incomplete phrasal verb. Complete the expression by supplying an adverb or preposition.

1. His request for promotion was turned …………………….. (down / out / off)

2. We picked …………………… the ripe mangoes from the basket. (on / out / off)

3. When we reached the airport, the plane was about to take ………………….. (over / off / on)

4. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, you should look it ………………….. (up / on / in)

5. The firemen put …………………. the fire with great difficulty. (off / out / up)

6. The officer promised to look …………………….. the matter. (into / at / on)

7.  I will think …………………… your offer. (over / off / up)

8. They put …………………… the tent. (on / up / out)

9. I cannot make ……………………. what you are saying. (up / out / over)

10. She broke ……………………… while narrating her ordeal. (up / out / down)

11. The meeting scheduled for tomorrow has been put …………………….. (off / out / up)

12. His grandmother passed …………………… last night. (off /away / up)

13. The doctor advised him to give ………………….. smoking. (in / up / out)

14. It took her several months to get …………………… the death of her husband. (off / over / out)

15. The guide told the tourists to keep …………………….. from the edge of the forest. (back / out / up)

16. I came ……………………. an old friend of mine yesterday. (across / at / into)

17. If you go …………………… talking like this, you will lose all friends. (off / on / over)

18. I called …………………… a friend of mine yesterday. (on / in / up)

19. Children usually take ……………………… their parents. (after / on / up)

20. She was not taken ……………………. by his sweet words. (in / up / out)

21. She came ………………….. a lot of money when her father died. (up / into / over)

22. The travelers got …………………….. very early in the morning. (in / up / on)

23. It was your carelessness that brought …………………… the accident. (off / on / about)

24. The doctor advised him to cut ……………………. on fatty food. (out / down / up)


1. turned down (Turn down = reject)

2. picked out (Pick out = choose)

3. take off (When a plane takes off, it becomes airborne.)

4. look it up (To look a word up is to find its meaning in a dictionary.)

5. put out (Put out = extinguish)

6. look into

7.  think over (Think over = ponder)

8. put up (Put up = erect)

9. make out (Make out = grasp the meaning of)

10. broke down (Break down = cry, become emotional)

11. put off. (Put off = extinguish)

12. passed away (Pass away = die)

13. give up (Give up = stop)

14. get over (Get over = recover from a sense of loss or grief)

15. keep back from (Keep back = stay away)

16. came across (Come across = meet)

17. go on (Go on = continue)

18. called on (Call on = visit)

19. take after. (Take after = resemble)

20. taken in (Taken in = be deceived)

21. came into (To come into money is to inherit it.)

22. got up .

23. brought about

24. cut down on (Cut down = reduce)

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