NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 7 | Getting To Know Plants | Expected Questions

Fill in the blanks.

1) Plants are usually grouped into …………….. , ………………, and ……………….
2) A leaf usually has a ………………., and ………………….
3) The pattern of veins on the leaf is called ………………….
4) Green leafs make their own food by the process of ……………………… using carbon dioxide and …………….. in the presence of sunlight.
5) Roots are mainly grouped into ……………………… and ……………… root.
6) Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have ………… root while leaves with parallel venation have ……………root.
7) The parts of a flower are mainly grouped into …………, ……………, ………… and……………


1) herbs, shrubs and trees
2) petiole and lamina
3) venation
4) photosynthesis, water
5) tap root and fibrous root
6) tap root and fibrous root
7) sepal, petal, stamen and pistil

Match the following.

1) Tomato                  tree
2) Parallel                 venation shrub
3) Lemon                  tap root
4) Mango                  fibrous root
5) Reticulate            venation herb

1) tomato – herb
2) parallel venation – fibrous root
3) lemon – shrub
4) mango – tree
5) reticulate venation – tap root

Define the following

1) herb
2) shrub
3) tree
4) creeper
5) climber


1) Plants with green and tender stems are called herbs. They are usually short and may not have many branches.

2) Some plants develop branches near the base of stem. The stem is hard and thick. Such plants are called shrubs.

3) Some plants are very tall and have hard and thick stem. The stems have branches in the upper part, much above the ground. Such plants are called trees.

4) Plants with week stems that cannot stand upright but spread on the ground are called creepers.

5) The plants that take support and climb up are called climbers. These are different from the herbs, shrubs and trees.

Answer the following

1. Differentiate tap root and fibrous root?

Tap root

Some plants have a main root and smaller roots. The main root is called the tap root and the smaller roots are called lateral roots. The plants with reticulate venation have tap root. ex: Tulsi, carrot

Fibrous root

This type of plants does not have a main root. All roots are seen similar and they are called fibrous roots. The plants with parallel venation have fibrous roots. Ex: grass, wheat

2. What is petiole?

The part of leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called petiole.

3. What is lamina?

The broad, green part of a leaf is called the lamina.

4. What are veins?

The parallel or reticulate lines present on a leaf are called veins.

5. What is a midrib?

The prominent line in the middle of a leaf is the midrib.

6. What is leaf venation?

The design made by the veins in a leaf is the leaf venation. They are of two types: reticulate and parallel venation.

7. How can we identify whether the leaf is in parallel or reticulate venation?

If the design on the leaf is net-like on both sides of midrib, the venation is reticulate.
In the leaves of grass we can see that the veins are parallel to one another. This is parallel venation.

8. What is transpiration?

The process in which the water comes out of the leaf in the form of water vapour is called transpiration.

9. What is photosynthesis?

The process in which the plants produce starch from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight is called photosynthesis.

10. What is sprouting?

The germination of seed is called sprouting.

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