NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 2 | Components Of Our Food Expected Questions And Answers

Class 6 Science chapter 2 is about the various components in our food. Here at NCERTGuides.Com we have a detailed solution for this chapter. We have provided almost all questions that can be asked from this chapter.

Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Components Of Food | Expected Questions And Answers

1. What are nutrients?

Nutrients are the components that our body needs for the normal growth and functioning. We get nutrients from our food.

2. What are the major nutrients present in our food?

The major nutrients present in our food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

3. Why do we need to eat different kinds of foods?

Our body needs a variety of nutrients for its functioning. However, it is not possible for any particular food item to contain all of these nutrients. Hence, we have to eat a variety of food items to obtain all the nutrients we need.

4. What are the two forms of carbohydrates present in our body?

Starch and sugars

5. Which nutrient provides energy to our body?

Carbohydrates and fats provide energy to our body.

6. Which foods are also called energy giving foods?

Carbohydrates and fats are also called energy giving foods.

7. Which nutrient is needed for the growth and repair of our body?

Proteins are needed for the growth and repair of our body.

8. Name some foods rich in carbohydrates

Rice, wheat, potato, sweet potato, maize, mango, papaya, melon, sugarcane

9. Name some foods rich in fat

Milk, ghee, oil, meat, nuts, butter

10. Name some foods rich in protein

Dal, moong, meat, milk, fish, eggs, beans, peas

11. Which types of foods are called body building foods?

Foods that contain protein are called body building foods.

12. Which nutrient protects our body against illnesses?

Vitamins protect our body against illnesses.

13. Which nutrient keeps our eyes, bones, teeth and gums healthy?


14. Which vitamin keeps our skin and eyes healthy?

Vitamin A

15. Which vitamin helps our body to fight against diseases?

Vitamin C

16. Without this vitamin our body cannot absorb calcium?

Vitamin D

17. Which mineral is essential for the health of bones and teeth?


18. Which vitamin is prepared by our body in the presence of sunlight?

Vitamin D

19. What is roughage?

Dietary fibres are also known as roughage.

20. Which component of our food does not provide any nutrients but is essential for our body?


21. Why does our body need roughage or dietary fibre?

Our body needs roughage because it helps us to get rid of undigested food.

22. What is a balanced diet?

The diet which contains all the nutrients, roughage and water that our body needs in the right amount is called balanced diet.

23. Why it is not a good idea to wash vegetables and fruits after cutting or peeling them?

Washing after cutting or peeling vegetables and fruits may result in the loss of certain vitamins. Hence, it is not a good idea.

24. Which vitamin gets destroyed by heat during cooking?

Vitamin C gets destroyed by heat during cooking.

25. What is obesity?

If we eat a lot of fatty foods, we will gain too much weight. This unhealthy condition is called obesity.

26. What are deficiency diseases?

Diseases caused by the deficiency of one or more nutrients in our food are called deficiency diseases.

27. Loss of vision and night blindness are caused by the deficiency of which vitamin?

Vitamin A

28. Weak muscles is a symptom of ………………………

29. Beriberi is caused by the deficiency of …………………………….

Vitamin B1

30. Bleeding gums is a symptom of the deficiency of which vitamin?

Vitamin C

31. The deficiency of vitamin C causes …………………………….


32. Soft and bent bones are a symptom of ……………………………..


33. The deficiency of which vitamin causes rickets?

Vitamin D

34. Iron deficiency causes ……………………………


35. General weakness is a symptom of …………………………….

Iron deficiency

36. Iodine deficiency causes …………………………..


37. The swelling of glands in the neck could be a result of …………………………….. deficiency.


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