Finite And Non-Finite Verbs Exercise For Class 10

Read the groups of words given below. Some of them are sentences and have a finite verb. Others are phrases and have a non-finite verb. Identify the sentences and phrases. Note that the full stop is deliberately omitted.

1. Leaves fallen on the ground

2. Birds living on trees

3. Most flowers have fragrance

4. Birds of the same feather flock together

5. He enjoys playing the piano

6. Birds flying in the sky

7. Barking dogs seldom bite

8. Old habits die hard

9. Awards won by the author

10. knocking at the door

11. An old woman sitting on the pavement

12. The girl selling seashells on the beach

13. Ideas rule the world

14. Hang this painting on that wall


1. Leaves fallen on the ground (Phrase; non-finite verb – fallen)

2. Birds living on trees (Phrase; non-finite verb – living)

3. Most flowers have fragrance. (Sentence; finite verb – have)

4. Birds of the same feather flock together. (Sentence; finite verb – flock)

5. He enjoys playing the piano. (Sentence; finite verb – enjoys)

6. Birds flying in the sky (Phrase; non-finite verb – flying)

7. Barking dogs seldom bite. (Sentence; finite verb – bite)

8. Old habits die hard. (Sentence; finite verb – die)

9. Awards won by the author (Phrase; non-finite verb – won)

10. Knocking at the door (Phrase; non-finite verb – knocking)

11. An old woman sitting on the pavement (Phrase; non-finite verb – sitting)

12. The girl selling seashells on the beach (Phrase; non-finite verb – selling)

13. Ideas rule the world (Sentence; finite verb – rule)

14. Hang this painting on that wall. (Sentence; finite verb – hang)

More finite and non-finite verbs exercises

Finite and non-finite verbs exercise for class 10

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