Articles Exercise For Class 9

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article. In some cases, no articles are used.

When you are talking about a noun for the first time, use a/an with it. Use the in subsequent references to that noun.

A singular countable noun always needs an article or another determiner (possessives, demonstratives etc,) with it. Plural and uncountable nouns are usually used without articles when we are talking about people or things in general.

1. My daughter loves …………………….. cats.

2. I have to get ……………………. tooth extracted.

3. …………………….. teacher must enjoy interacting with ………………….. children.

4. Have you fed …………………….. dogs and cats?

5. Do you like ………………………. animals?

6. There weren’t many students in …………………….. class.

7. The student has made ………………………. good progress.

8. Did you lock …………………… door?

9. Don’t forget to post …………………….. letter.

10. ……………………… cops ran after …………………… thief.

11. Who is that girl in …………………….. blue dress?

12. Where is …………………… calculator you borrowed from me?


1. My daughter loves cats. (We are talking about cats in general here; hence, no article is used.)

2. I have to get a tooth extracted.

3. A teacher must enjoy interacting with children.

4. Have you fed the dogs and cats? (We use the article the here because we are talking about particular dogs and cats.)

5. Do you like animals? (We do not normally use articles with plural nouns when we are talking about people or things in general.)

6. There weren’t many students in the class.

7. The student has made good progress. (We do not normally use articles with uncountable nouns like weather, progress etc.)

8. Did you lock the door?

9. Don’t forget to post the letter.

10. The cops ran after the thief.

11. Who is that girl in the blue dress?

12. Where is the calculator you borrowed from me?

Articles worksheet for class 9

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