Determiners Worksheet for Class 9

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner.

Determiners are words like some, any, little, few and many. They are a bit like adjectives. They go before nouns and modify them.

Determiners worksheet

1. He solved the puzzle without ……………….. difficulty. (some / any)

2. I want to ask ………………. questions. (few / a few / a little)

3. He doesn’t earn ……………….. money. (much / many)

4.  I drank ……………….. milk and then I went to bed. (a little / a few / any)

5. I have bought …………………. apples. (some / any)

6. If you have good communication skills, you will not have ………………… difficulty finding a job. (no / much / few)

7. They didn’t give ………………. reason for the change of plan. (some / any)

8. ……………….. the tables have been reserved. (All / Every / Each)

9. ………………. of the shops is open on Sundays. (None / Any / All)

10. She had ……………….. to go. (nowhere / anywhere)

11. You can take ………………… bus. They all go to the centre. (any / a / some)

12. I have ………………….. energy left in me. (little / few  / many)


1. any (Use any in questions and negative sentences; use some in affirmative sentences.)

2. a few (Few means almost none; a few indicates a small number.)

3. much (Money is an uncountable noun; hence, we use much with it.)

4.  a little (Use little / a little with uncountable nouns; a little indicates a small quantity.)

5. some

6. much

7. any

8. All

9. None

10. nowhere

11. any (Any bus means it doesn’t matter which bus.)

12. little

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