Possessive Adjectives And Possessive Pronouns Worksheet For Class 3
Possessives are words that indicate possession. When they go before a noun, they are possessive adjectives. When they are used alone, they are possessive pronouns.
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, their, our, its
Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours
Fill in the blanks using a possessive pronoun or adjective.
1. I went to ……………………. house. (her / hers)
2. I have invited all of them to …………………. party. (my / mine)
3. That bag is …………………….. (my / mine)
4. She has never invited me to ………………………. home. (her / hers)
5. Has the cat had …………………….. breakfast? (her / hers)
6. ……………………… brother is a soldier. (My / Mine)
7. I don’t like ………………………. painting. (her / hers)
8. …………………… garden has lots of beautiful flowers. (Their / Theirs)
9. India is ……………………….. country. (our / ours)
10. This is not …………………….. bag. (my / mine) It is ……………………….. (her / hers)
11. These cats are ……………………….. (our / ours)
12. That painting is ………………………. (her / hers)