Passage Editing Worksheet For Classes 9 and 10 CBSE
Read the passage given below. There is an error in each line. Identify the erroneous word and replace it with the correct word.

In a bid to save the polar ice, experts are urging us to reconsider
the way we live. The fossil fuels that we burn in cars,
power plants, and factories are largely to blame for the
greenhouse gases that are trapping excess heat in our atmosphere.
If we can produce fewer of these gases, we can help save
the polar ice. And saving the polar ice will help protect the oceans and us.
Cycling, walking, and taking public transportation, for example,
are pole-friendly activities. Encourage your parents to switch
to efficient, compact fluorescent light bulbs, and turn the lights
and fans off when you’re not using them.
Also save water and limit the use of plastics.