Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet For Class 7

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate coordinating conjunction.

Common coordinating conjunctions are: and, but, or, nor, for, so and yet.

When we connect two clauses with a coordinating conjunction, we get a compound sentence. The two clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction are coordinate clauses.


1. She got up ……………………. walked towards the door.

2. She was poor, ………………………….. she never asked any favour of anybody.

3. I started early ………………………….. I was still late for the meeting.

4. I work ………………………… I want to be financially independent.

5. I will come …………………………. call.

6. It was cold outside, ………………………….. I put on a sweater.

7. She worked hard ………………………….. she wanted to support her family.

8. She was poor, …………………………… she was always neatly dressed.

9. You can take the bus ………………………. you can hire a car.

10. She was here, ………………………. I could not meet her.


1. and, 2. yet/but, 3. but, 4. for, 5. or, 6. so, 7. for, 8. yet/but, 9. or, 10. but/yet,

More conjunctions worksheets

If you need more conjunctions worksheets, check out the following links.

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  1. Mani Arora says:


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