Change Declarative Sentence Into Exclamatory Sentence | Class 6 Grammar Worksheets

An exclamatory sentence expresses a sudden feeling or emotion. Exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation mark.

Exclamations are usually constructed with how or what.

Use how before an adjective or adverb.

  • How beautiful!

Use what before a noun or article + noun or article + adjective + noun.

  • What a sad state of affairs!
  • What a lovely painting!

Change the declarative sentences given below into exclamatory sentences.

1. It is a beautiful sunset.

2. She sings beautifully.

3. He is a splendid dancer.

4. You are such a great inspiration.

5. The smart phone is a very useful invention.

6. It was a great tragedy.

7. We were really happy to hear the news.

8. Hitler was a big fanatic.

9. India is such a diverse country.

10. His death was a massive loss for the country.


1. What a beautiful sunset it is!

2. How beautifully she sings!

3. What a splendid dancer he is!

4. What a great inspiration you are!

5. What a useful invention the smart phone is!

6. What a great tragedy it was!

7. How happy we were to hear the news!

8. What a big fanatic Hitler was!

9. What a diverse country India is!

10. What a massive loss his death was for the country!

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