Tagged: tenses exercise for class 8


Tenses Worksheet For Class 8

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate verb form. Nalutai Dhok …………1………… (used to / would) be a shy housewife. Today, this 40-something semiliterate Maharashtrain woman …………2………. (is / are / was) a symbol...


Tenses Worksheet For Class 8 MH Board

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form. 1. What are you going to do when you ……………………… (finish / are finishing) high school? 2. This time next week, I …………………….. a presentation...


Class 9 Tenses Gap Filling Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets. Chances of developing brain tumours …………………….. (be ) high for those who ……………………. (hook) to their mobile phones. A...