Tenses Worksheet for Classes 9 and 10
Gap fill exercises routinely appear in the English question papers of classes 9 and 10. With a little practice you can easily complete these tasks. Here is a practice worksheet. This grammar exercise tests...
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Gap fill exercises routinely appear in the English question papers of classes 9 and 10. With a little practice you can easily complete these tasks. Here is a practice worksheet. This grammar exercise tests...
How to complete the news headlines? English question papers of classes 9 and 10 often feature tasks that require students to complete news headlines. It is easy to do these tasks. Just remember the...
If clauses are also called conditional clauses. They express a condition – something which must happen first so that something else can happen.There are three types of if-clauses. First conditional clauses are used to...
Complete the news headline. This English grammar worksheet is for students of classes 9 and 10. 1. C K Prahalad from India, who ………………….. (teach / teaches / taught) at the University of Michigan’s...
Learn and improve your English grammar with our grammar lessons and worksheets. In this lesson we will learn how we can combine two clauses using relative pronouns. We can combine two clauses using relative...
Relative pronouns are words like who, whom, which, that, whose and where. Relative pronouns serve two purposes. They connect clauses. They also serve as the subject or object in the relative clause. The relative...
Improve your English grammar and writing skills with our free online English grammar lessons and worksheets. We will learn about adjective clauses in this lesson. There is also a grammar worksheet at the end...
This English grammar worksheet tests your ability to use as well as correctly. You can find more English grammar worksheets here. As well as means the same as both…and. Study the examples given below....
Though and although are subordinating conjunctions. They are interchangeable. Though and although mean ‘however’ or ‘in spite of the fact that’. It is similar to but. English Grammar Worksheets Combine the following sentences using though...
Some nouns refer to people or things that can be counted. These are called countable nouns. Examples are: book, pen, child, country, apples, birds etc. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. Singular countable...