Adjective or Adverb | Class 7 English Grammar Worksheets
The same word can sometimes be used as an adjective and as an adverb. An adjective is a word used to modify nouns. An adverb is a word used to modify verbs. An adverb...
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The same word can sometimes be used as an adjective and as an adverb. An adjective is a word used to modify nouns. An adverb is a word used to modify verbs. An adverb...
The words some and any are determiners. Determiners are words used to modify nouns. We use some in affirmative sentences. We use any in negative and interrogative sentences. Answers 1. There are some eggs...
We use the simple past tense to say that something happened sometime ago. This tense form is quite commonly used with past time expressions like yesterday, last week, two hours ago or last year. In the simple...
Change the following sentences into negatives. In the simple present tense we make negative forms with do and does. Note that do is used when the subject is a plural noun or pronoun. The first...
There are mainly four types of sentences in English. They are: A declarative sentence is a statement that tells us something. Declarative sentences always end with a full stop. An interrogative sentence asks a...
Use this grammar worksheet to teach children how to use the simple present tense. We use the simple present tense to talk about our habits, routines, likes and dislikes. Fill in the blanks with...
This English grammar worksheet tests your ability to make sentences in the present continuous tense form. The present continuous tense is used to talk about actions or situations that are going on at the...
We will learn about the correct use of each and each of in this lesson. Each is a determiner. It is used before a singular noun. Each individual is unique. (NOT Each individuals are...
Class 10 and class 9 English question papers routinely include questions that ask students to complete news headlines with appropriate verb forms. Here is a practice exercise. 1. An international study ………………………. (found /...
This grammar worksheet is designed for students of classes 9 and 10. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate tense form. Class 10 English grammar worksheets A group of women volunteers, all daily wagers,...