Prepositions Worksheet For Class 8
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
Get …………………….. (into / on to /to) the habit of continually thinking (and saying to yourself) positive statements …………………… (of / about / on) you. Also use inspirational quotes to assist you.
Accept all compliments graciously. Don’t dismiss or ignore them. When you do, you give yourself the message that you do not deserve or are not worthy ………………………. (for / of / to) praise and this reflects low self esteem. It also means that others will become more reluctant to praise or acknowledge your abilities, if you don’t.
Interact ……………………. (to / with / for) positive and supportive people. Who you associate ……………………….. (to / with / from) influences your thoughts, actions and behaviour. Negative people can put you and your ideas ……………………… (off / down / up) and it lowers your self esteem. On the other hand, when you are surrounded …………………………. (by / with / of) positive people, you feel better about yourself, which helps you ……………………… (in / for / on) improving self esteem.