Tagged: articles exercise for class 7


Articles Worksheet For Class 7 With Answers

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate article. 1. Madhu is ………………… clerk in ……………….. municipal office. 2. You should consider staying in …………………….. hostel. 3. I went to ………………….. college to talk to...


Articles Worksheet For Class 7

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article. 1. Who is ………………….. man in that funny hat? 2. He spoke in ……………………… low voice. 3. ………………. advent of electric vehicles will make …………………. world...


Articles Worksheet For Class 7

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article. In some cases, no articles are required. 1. My sister lives in …………………….. Canada. 2. There is something under ……………………….. bed. 3. I found …………………….. old...