Transitive And Intransitive Verbs Worksheet For Class 7 CBSE

Some verbs are usually followed by nouns or pronouns which act as their objects. They are called transitive verbs.

  • I saw an elephant. (Here the noun elephant is the object of the verb saw. Hence, saw is a transitive verb. I saw what? An elephant)
  • She won the first prize. (Here the noun the first prize is the object of the verb won. Hence, won is a transitive verb. She won what? The first prize)
  • They congratulated the winners. (Here the noun winners is the object of the verb congratulated. They congratulated whom? The winners)

Some verbs are not normally followed by objects. They are called intransitive verbs. Examples are: sit, laugh, sleep, cry etc.

  • Please sit down. (There is no object here; hence, this is an intransitive verb.)
  • She sat on the chair. (She sat what? No answer; She sat whom? No answer)
  • I slept for twelve hours. (No object – Intransitive verb)

Note that intransitive verbs are usually followed by adverbs or prepositions. These are not objects. Only nouns, pronouns, ing forms and to-infinitives can act as objects.

  • I love my parents. (Here the object is the noun parents.)
  • I love you. (Here the object is the pronoun you.)
  • I love reading. (Here the object is the ing form reading.)
  • I love to sing. (Here the object is the to-infinitive to sing.)

Many English verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.

  • The bell rang. (No object – intransitive)
  • I rang the bell. (Object – bell – transitive)

Transitive and intransitive verbs worksheet for class 7

Read the following sentences and state whether the verbs are transitive or intransitive.

1. The peon rang the bell.

2. I heard a loud cry.

3. She recognised him at once.

4. You have never helped me.

5. It rained heavily.

6. She was reading a story.

7. I don’t like oysters.

8. The child cried loudly.

9. We roamed around the city.

10. I heard them talk.

11. My father cooks delicious soups.

12. My mother works at a bank.

13. Don’t walk on the grass.

14. Do not tease the animals.

15. Why are you provoking him?

16. I don’t trust him.

17. She no longer lives in the city.

18. He has been missing for two months.

19. I waited for hours.

20. You have changed a lot.

21. I was anxious to leave.

22. She shouted at me.

23. They scolded the boy for coming late.

24. We discussed his projects.

25. She didn’t conceal her excitement.


1. The peon rang the bell. (Transitive; object – the bell)

2. I heard a loud cry. (Transitive; object – a loud cry)

3. She recognised him at once. (Transitive; object – him)

4. You have never helped me. (Transitive; object – no)

5. It rained heavily. (Intransitive; no object)

6. She was reading a story. (Transitive; object – a story)

7. I don’t like oysters. (Transitive; object – oysters)

8. The child cried loudly. (Intransitive; no object)

9. We roamed around the city. (Intransitive; no object)

10. I heard them talk. (Transitive; object – them)

11. My father cooks delicious soups. (Transitive; object – delicious soups)

12. My mother works at a bank. (Intransitive – no object)

13. Don’t walk on the grass. (Intransitive – no object)

14. Do not tease the animals. (Transitive – tease; object – animals)

15. Why are you provoking him? (Transitive – are provoking; object – him)

16. I don’t trust him. (Transitive – don’t trust; object – him)

17. She no longer lives in the city. (Intransitive – no object)

18. He has been missing for two months. (Intransitive – no object)

19. I waited for hours. (Intransitive – no object)

20. You have changed a lot. (Intransitive – no object)

21. I was anxious to leave. (Intransitive – no object)

22. She shouted at me. (Intransitive – no object)

23. They scolded the boy for coming late. (Transitive – scolded; object – boy)

24. We discussed his projects. (Transitive – discussed; object – projects)

25. She didn’t conceal her excitement. (Transitive – didn’t conceal; object – excitement)

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Worksheets

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3 Responses

  1. NO NAME says:


    • Manjusha says:

      It is intransitive because here bank is the object of the preposition at. It is not the object of the verb works.

  2. Darsh says:

    Not so nice actually it was awful.

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