Tenses Exercise For Class 10 CBSE

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

Norway …………………. (knows / is known / is knowing) as the Land of the Midnight Sun, because in North Cape area, the sun does (write: do / does / has) not set from middle May until the end of July, nor ……………….. (do / does / has) it rise above the horizon from the end of November to the end of January. Nearly 70% of Norway is uninhabitable and ………………… (covers / covering / covered) by mountains, moors, glaciers and rivers.

Norway is home to some 4.6 million people. It ………………… (have led / has led / has lead / has leaded) the way in building a modern welfare state. Almost three-quarters of the population ……………………………. (live / lives / is living) in the major town and cities. Norwegian women ………………….. (enjoy / enjoys / enjoyed) greater life expectancy (81 years) than their male counterparts (75 years). Evangelical Lutheran is the major religion.

Norway is highly ………………….. (industrialized / industrializing / industrialize) and because of this its people enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world.


Norway is known as the Land of the Midnight Sun, because in North Cape area, the sun does not set from middle May until the end of July, nor does it rise above the horizon from the end of November to the end of January. Nearly 70% of Norway is uninhabitable and covered by mountains, moors, glaciers and rivers.

Norway is home to some 4.6 million people. It has led the way in building a modern welfare state. Almost three-quarters of the population live in the major town and cities. Norwegian women enjoy greater life expectancy (81 years) than their male counterparts (75 years). Evangelical Lutheran is the major religion.

Norway is highly industrialized and because of this its people enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world.

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