Phrases And Clauses Exercise For Class 6

State whether the group of words given below are phrases or clauses.


A phrase is a group of words that does not contain a subject or a finite verb. It may contain an ing form or a to-infinitive.

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a finite verb.

1. once upon a time

2. long long ago

3. When it was raining

4. walking on tip toes

5. because it was cold

6. the weather being cold

7. running as fast as he could

8. knocking loudly at the door

9. she demanded admission

10. sitting on a branch

11. the money gibbered

12. as I was walking down the street

13. until I return

14. if you are hungry

15. taking his coat off

16. towards the end of his life

17. eagerly looking forward to

18. running after the material comforts

19. as soon as I heard the news

20. walking on a tight rope


1. once upon a time (phrase)

2. long long ago  (phrase)

3. When it was raining (clause)

4. walking on tip toes (phrase)

5. because it was cold (clause)

6. the weather being cold (phrase)

7. running as fast as he could (clause)

8. knocking loudly at the door (phrase)

9. she demanded admission (clause)

10. sitting on a branch (phrase)

11. the monkey gibbered (phrase)

12. as I was walking down the street (clause)

13. until I return (clause)

14. if you are hungry (clause)

15. taking his coat off (phrase)

16. towards the end of his life (phrase)

17. eagerly looking forward to (phrase)

18. running after the material comforts (phrase)

19. as soon as I heard the news (clause)

20. walking on a tight rope (phrase)

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