Modal Auxiliary Verbs Worksheet For Classes 9 And 10

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate modal auxiliary verb.

1. She ………………………. speak Spanish. (ability)

2. ………………….. I borrow your car? (Permission)

3. …………………… you come with me? (request)

4. We ……………………… watch a movie in the afternoon. (suggestion)

5. We …………………….. talk to the manager. (recommended action)

6. There was a time when I …………………… walk for miles on end. (past ability)

7. You ……………………….. have told him. (obligation)

8. ……………………. I open the windows? (permission)

9. We ……………………… buy a new car next month. (future possibility)

10. We ……………………… get the first prize. (prediction)

11. I …………………….. look after your dog when you are away. (willingness)

12. It is raining so we …………………… cancel the picnic. (intention)

13. ……………………… you like some more rice? (Polite offer)

14. He ……………………… spend hours playing video games. (past habit)

15. ……………………… I help you? (Offer)

16. You ……………………… listen to your parents and teachers. (advice / recommendation)

17. You ……………………….. not break the law. (obligation)

18. You ………………………. lose weight. (necessity)


1. She can speak Spanish.

2. Can I borrow your car?

3. Can you come with me?

4. We could watch a movie in the afternoon.

5. We should talk to the manager.

6. There was a time when I could walk for miles on end.

7. You should have told him.

8. Can I open the windows?

9. We might buy a new car next month.

10. We will get the first prize.

11. I will look after your dog when you are away.

12. It is raining so we will cancel the picnic.

13. Would you like some more rice?

14. He would spend hours playing video games.

15. Shall I help you?

16. You must / should listen to your parents and teachers.

17. You should not break the law.

18. You should / must lose weight.

Modal Auxiliary Verbs Worksheets

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