Common Nouns And Proper Nouns Worksheet For Class 5

A proper noun is the name of a particular person or thing. Examples are: India, Manju, Ganga, Hindi.

A common noun is the name generally used to refer to people or things. Examples are: student, boy, girl, school etc.

Classification of nouns | What are common nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns, abstract nouns and material nouns

Common nouns and proper nouns worksheet for class 5

Identify the proper nouns and common nouns in the following sentences.

1. Dr. Sheela is an eminent cardiologist.

2. Suma lives with her grandparents.

3. India is a large country in Asia.

4. My brother works in Canada.

5. German is spoken in Switzerland.

6. Do you speak Malayalam?

7. Shyam is a friend of mine.

8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

9. Beethoven was an eminent music composer.

10. Mt. Everest is the highest peak on earth.

11. She sang a lovely song.

12. Rahul and his family live next doors.


1. Dr. Sheela (proper noun) is an eminent cardiologist. (collective noun)

2. Suma (proper noun) lives with her grandparents. (collective noun)

3. India (proper noun) is a large country (collective noun) in Asia (proper noun) .

4. My brother (collective noun)works in Canada (proper noun) .

5. German (proper noun) is spoken in Switzerland (proper noun) .

6. Do you speak Malayalam? (proper noun)

7. Shyam (proper noun) is a friend (collective noun) of mine.

8. An apple (collective noun) a day keeps the doctor (collective noun) away.

9. Beethoven (proper noun) was an eminent music composer. (collective noun)

10. Mt. Everest (proper noun) is the highest peak (collective noun) on earth. (collective noun)

11. She sang a lovely song. (collective noun)

12. Rahul (proper noun) and his family live next doors.

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