Articles Worksheet For Classes 5 And 6

Add appropriate articles where necessary and rewrite the sentences.

Articles worksheet for class 5

1. I ate apple in morning.

2. Girl was waiting for her mother.

3. I was happy to see kind woman who had saved my life.

4. There is egg in nest.

5. Teacher asked boy to stand up.

6. I don’t know answer.

7. He is famous writer.

8. Eiffel Tower is most famous landmark of Paris.

9. She is prettiest girl I have ever seen.

10. You haven’t returned camera you borrowed from me.


1. I ate an apple in the morning.

2. The girl was waiting for her mother.

3. I was happy to see the kind woman who had saved my life.

4. There is an egg in the nest.

5. The teacher asked the boy to stand up. (Always write an article with singular countable nouns; use the to refer to a particular person or thing. Use ‘a’ to mean ‘one’ or ‘any’.)

6. I don’t know the answer.

7. He is a famous writer. (Always write an article with singular countable nouns.)

8. The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark of Paris. (Always use the with superlative adjectives)

9. She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. (Always use the with superlative adjectives)

10. You haven’t returned the camera you borrowed from me.

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1 Response

  1. Yashvi says:

    You are theme best but j think your 2last question is incorrect . Cause I am in 5 standard . Thank you

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